Saturday, May 15, 2010


I don't know that I can quite put into words my feelings of yesterday, but here's a try.  It was a very special day.  I'll mention a few highlights.  Lydia woke up free of fevers and happy so this meant she could come home.
Dr. Book, who is Lydia's liver doctor, paid us a farewell visit.  We briefly talked about the long, scary road Lydia has had over the past five weeks and we shed some tears together.  My heart was full as I thanked her for what she has done for Lydia.  I am so grateful for the great well of knowledge that she has.  I feel very blessed that she is Lydia's doctor.
Lydia came home with 17 meds, an NG feeding tube, wound care supplies, oxygen and a blood pressure machine.  I am very grateful for the GI team working so hard to make it so she could come home with these things and not have to wait until she was less complicated.  They worked hard to simplify her care at home and make it as cost effective as possible for us.  They have really gone the extra-mile for Lydia and our family.  
Lydia's face lit up when she saw my mom and Parker who came to pick us up.  She was cheerful as she experienced a lot of "firsts" (in 5 weeks).  My mom got her dressed, I carried her down to the first floor where she got to see the fishies that she loves, I carried outside and put her in her carseat in the car, she came into our house and got lots of loves from the kids, she sat on the carpet and in the highchair and played with her toys.  The only thing she seemed really unhappy about was going to sleep in her bed.  She just wanted to keep playing.
As we turned up our road, I was overcome with emotion as I saw the yellow balloons dotting the street and many balloons and yellow ribbons decorating our house and yard.  Thank you dear friends for sharing in our excitement with such a loving welcome for Lydia.  I feel like she doesn't just belong to us, but to all of you who love her so much.  She has worked her way into many hearts.
Lydia and I walked into a spotless home (thank you Mom, Brian and kids), we enjoyed a delicious dinner together (thank you Nelson's) and we revelled in being back together as a family for the evening.  


  1. Just this morning, my Mom and I were talking about how we couldn't WAIT to read the "finally home" blog..and it wasn't a disappointment! How wonderful...all of it. The fabulous doctor who has taken care of her, the nurses, everyone. I am blown away by the care of your neighborhood and family! I am thrilled she is so happy to be home- who can blame her though!?! I pray she will continue to improve and heal and simply be a "happy, healthy girl" from here on out!
    Much love and happiness to you all!
    Lacey & Chad Williams (and family)

  2. Janene and Brian,
    I loved reading this. I feel so grateful that you have also had such good care from all of Lydia's doctor and nurses. They have been wonderful. What a moment--to pull into your driveway and know you were HOME! And you were all together! I love how caring your neighborhood is too---those balloons were so sweet to see. I loved it. I also love little Lydia's pigtails up top. They are so cute. It is wonderful to see her so smiley! This is the best news we all can hope for---to finally have Lyds home. :)

  3. I am soooooo glad she is home!! What a nice feeling to have all of your children together under the same roof. I love the picture of Parker holding her. He is a delight! I miss him!!! Keep the blog going. I like being able to see your life, and your beautiful children.
    Loves, Audrey

  4. What a beautiful little girl! She's blessed the lives of so many.

    My heart is never far from you...all of you!


  5. So exciting that she is HOME!

  6. How great can it be to have Lydia home and to be complete as a family again. I am so happy for all of you. I hope that things just keep getting better and better. Let Spencer and the rest of the kids know that the next time I see them that I will finish the water fight. I don't get even, I get revenge. Love you guys!! Dee

  7. I'm so happy to read this post. What a wonderful day to be home together as a family. Enjoy every moment!

  8. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
    Pretty soon she is going to be getting into all kinds of trouble. I can't wait to hear about it.

  9. I'm so happy it happened!!! And tell Spencer what Uncle Dee's true about the water fight!

  10. What a beautiful entry to read! WELCOME HOME!!

    Wishing you guys all the very best!

    Jennifer & Brooke Wallace

  11. Woo Hoo! She is home! She looks wonderful. Cute chubby cheeks and pig tails just made me giggle with delight.

    Thank Heaven for little girls.



  12. YAY! Prayers are answered....thank you for being willing to share this journey with us all. I look forward to being able to continue to read about Lydia progress.

    Enjoy the moment!!

    Keysha (and family)

  13. YAH Everyone else said what I'd say... so happy to hear this good news!

  14. Yay! I am so happy for you! You have been through so much you deserve to have your little lvoe home with you! GOOD LUCK! No more hospital stays for a LONG time okay Lydia!

    Farrah and Harmonee

  15. How exciting! I cannot get over how adorable she is! Every time I see her picture it makes me smile. She is such a little trooper. I am so happy for you guys and glad she is finally home!


chillin' and grubbin'

Spenc and Lydia enjoying some brocolli (at least the taste of it for Lydia since she just sucks out the flavor and spits it out)